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English Department launch Staff & Student book club
To help keep broad and balanced minds, the English department have launched a Book Club to promote wellbeing among staff and students. Years 9-13 and staff are taking part and the first book they will be reading is Circe by Madeline Miller which explores the life and adventures of the daughter of sun god Helios and a Naiad.
Years 7-9 are reading Witch Child by Celia Rees which follows the life of a young witch who makes passage to America to flee persecution.
Both groups will be discussing the books via Firefly (if they wish) and will be voting on future reads. Any Senior School girls still wishing to take part should email Mrs Chandler.
In the Junior School Ms Burt is leading a ‘Reading Challenge’ and Year 4-6 pupils are invited to take part reading the same book as Ms Burt, or their own. Ms Burt is currently reading Murder Most Unladylike by Robin Stevens, which has been very popular with one pupil commenting in the discussion “This book is AMAZING!!!”. Says it all! Ms Burt plans to introduce broad range of books, including poetry anthologies, to share the love of reading.
Happy reading to all!