Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At Blackheath High School, we don’t just accept or tolerate difference - we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our pupils, staff, and wider community. 
As a school community our ethos is rooted in supporting individuals to thrive in their own way. We welcome different perspectives and unique ways of thinking and it has always been, and will continue to be, in our DNA to champion inclusion for each and every member of our community and seek to address inequity where it exists. We want our students to have the tools and outlook to take this attitude with them into their lives beyond school, and we take this responsibility very seriously. 

In the Junior School the Welcome Book Club, held for KS1 and KS2, engages pupils in discussions reflecting on topics of diversity and inclusion through the medium of stories. Class and PSHE (Physical, Social & Health Education) assemblies are given regularly to celebrate diversity and special events from the Diversity and Inclusion Calendar. 

Senior School students have Diversity and Inclusion form and year-group representatives, who bring topics of discussion to the student council and Diversity and Inclusion student group. The Diversity and Inclusion Calendar is also celebrated in the Senior School, with awareness days, weeks, and months; workshops and discussions; and events such as the popular Pride Month charity “throw the wet sponge at the teacher”!  

Blackheath High School is proud to follow the GDST Undivided Pledge, creating a safe and inclusive environment for all members of our community. Our Equality Society was even invited to review and write a few questions for the Undivided survey that was sent out to all GDST students, to ensure the student voice was heard.  

We are passionate about ensuring every single member of our community feels included, has a voice, and has visible role models to look up to. Important events are widely promoted through school on displays and banners to increase visibility and ensure awareness from all. 

We are committed to upholding the GDST’s ‘Charter for Action’ and benefit immensely from the expertise and training that the GDST provide for our staff and student leaders.