Join the Senior School

Our Senior School, for Years 7-11, is a nurturing community that prepares every girl for not only her GCSEs, but for life beyond school. We accept applications to the Senior School at our 11+ (Year 7) and 13+ (Year 9) entry points. If your daughter is currently attending our Junior School, she will automatically be awarded a place at the Senior School.

With high expectations from girls and staff alike, our Senior School strives for excellence at every turn.

Download the Senior School prospectus


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Important information:

11+ applications and 13+ applications for September 2025 are open.

Please see our Important Dates below.

We also welcoming applications for occasional vacancies in other year groups. Please contact our Admissions Team for more information. 

Important dates for 11+Important dates for 13+



The admissions process:

  • The first step on your application journey is to visit us at our recently redeveloped Senior School on Vanbrugh Park. 
  • Once you are ready to proceed, you will need to complete an application form. At this point you will also be asked to pay a registration fee. 
  • All applicants sit an entrance examination, after which shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. 
  • If your application is successful, you will be sent an offer letter - any scholarships or bursaries that your daughter has been awarded will also be outlined in this letter. Offers must be accepted by the date outlined in your offer letter in order to secure your daughter’s place. At this point, you will be asked to pay a non-refundable deposit. For more information, please read our Fees advice
  • Once your daughter’s place has been confirmed, our Admissions Team will remain in contact with you throughout the remainder of the academic year to ensure that both you, your daughter and Blackheath High School are well-prepared for her arrival in September.


Scholarships and bursaries:

  • All girls applying for 11+ admission are automatically considered for an academic scholarship.
  • If you wish to be considered for a bursary, you will need to tick the appropriate box on your application form. Bursaries are both means-tested and awarded based on your daughter’s performance in the entrance examinations, and as such, are extremely competitive. 
    Find out more about scholarships and bursaries


The 11+ entrance examination:

Candidates will sit three examination papers: English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning. The Verbal Reasoning paper tests ability to process verbal information; identify patterns; see similarities and differences between words; demonstrate rules and meaning of language and apply logical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Free familiarisation materials for all three papers are available on the GL Assessment website.

We know sitting examinations might seem a daunting prospect at age 10 or 11 years old. We can reassure you that we make the examination day as positive and as friendly an experience as we can, and the warmth of our Blackheath High welcome quickly puts the girls at ease. We do not advise excessive preparation for the papers, however familiarising your daughter with the format of the papers is a useful exercise to do.

Our 11+ interviews are friendly, informal sessions to help us to get to know your daughter better and understand her passions.

In addition to the exams and interviews, we will also contact your daughter’s school for a reference to gain further background information about her progress and interests.


Transition into Senior School

We understand that the move from primary to secondary education can be quite daunting, which is why we host a range of events and experiences to ensure all girls experience a smooth transition, whether they’re moving up from our Junior School or joining us from a local primary school.

At our Senior School, the number of form groups increases to provide additional places for girls from local primary and preparatory schools to join the Blackheath High School community, and our Junior School girls take great delight in meeting and making new friends with girls from local schools.

Before lessons begin in September, all new Year 7 students are invited to a Summer School offering a range of innovative activities focused on fostering teamwork and relationship-building. Events of this nature continue throughout the first term of Year 7 to ensure a smooth, yet exciting, transition for all girls.

For more information, download our Transition into Senior School booklet.

Apply to join Blackheath High School

Join our Nursery, Junior School, Senior School or Sixth Form
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