Student Leadership

Student leadership is key to developing self-confidence and a spirit of service. Throughout the school, students are given the opportunity to voice their opinions and ideas and develop a strong, forward-thinking social conscience.  

Leadership roles begin as early as Year 2 with School Council representatives. The School Council meets weekly to discuss ideas to improve the school, from eco-friendly initiatives like meat-free Mondays, to exciting new ideas for clubs such as Lego Club. Different School Council representatives are voted in by their class (termly in the Junior School), from Year 2 all the way up to Year 11 – although the Senior School and Junior School Councils meet separately, ideas are often passed between the two groups. Other class leaders include Form Captains, Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion, Charity, and Eco representatives. 

An exciting leadership role in the Junior School is that of our Digital Leaders; this group of pupils makes sure the school stays on top of digital developments. This year, they campaigned for each pupil to receive a stylus for their iPad to improve handwriting and dexterity. As part of our Outreach programme, the Digital Leaders also attend local a residential home to help the inhabitants become more tech savvy.  

Year 6 and Year 13 are awarded prefect roles; these vary from subject-specific prefectships like Sports, Art and Music, to those responsible for assisting with younger girls like Nursery prefects and the heads of Buddy Groups. The Head Student Team is voted for in the Spring Term of Year 12, ready to assume their positions for the Summer Term. Our  Head Student is at the pinnacle of student leadership in the school, and they are a key link between staff and students. 

In taking on these roles, the girls learn essential leadership skills such as the ability to communicate effectively, inspire others, and delegate tasks. These are vital soft skills to take into the wider world of work, beyond Blackheath High School.