Enrichment Programme

The Blackheath High School Girl emPowered Enrichment Programme is a unique and extensive programme, designed to complement and expand upon the Senior School curriculum. 

Every Senior School student takes part in the programme, from Year 7 all the way up to Year 13. Over the course of their time with us, a wide range of topics are covered - from career skills like leadership, to life skills such as first aid and finance, to volunteering and becoming a contributing member of society. The programme of content is different in every year group, tailored to their own current stage of life.

The Girl emPowered Enrichment Programme aims to give students the skills and qualities they need for now and, most importantly, for their futures. It encourages students to explore different interests and perspectives they may never have considered before. 

Additional enrichment comes from the Wollstonecraft Speaker Series; a series of fortnightly sessions where guest lecturers come to share their expertise with our students. Previous guests have ranged from Artists to Professors to Civil Servants. While the series is mostly aimed at the Sixth Form, students of any age in the Senior School are welcome to attend.  


Example Enrichment Programme timetable:

Year 7

Leadership and Enterprise
Students will learn how to start and lead a business project from conception through to delivery. 

Sustainability in the Fashion Industry
Students will have the opportunity to create their own eco-fashion brand and find innovative ideas to reduce our carbon footprint. 


Year 8

Psychology and Sociology of Tolerance
Students will explore their role in society as responsible citizens.

Bold Women: Changing the Course of History
A look back and discussion around a selection of women, whose pioneering ways paved the way for change in different fields. 


Year 9

Chinese Craft Projects
Students will explore the wonder of Ancient China through a variety of craft projects.  

An introduction to basic First Aid
The students will be taught how to identify and treat symptoms in a range of scenarios. 


Year 10

Strategic skills for effective campaigning
Students will discover a range of principles; including how to do a stakeholder analysis, articulate your purpose, design a communications strategy.

Sustainability in buildings
The students will innovate their own buildings and include features that will allow for a more eco-friendly future.


Year 11

The Year 11 Enrichment Programme focuses on outreach in our local community. 

Leah Lodge & Rectory Court Care Homes
Students will visit and host afternoon tea for residents of the care homes during alternate sessions.

Evelyn Community Kitchen - Food Bank
Students will work as a team to prepare and cook batches of meals to be given to the Evelyn Community Store in Deptford.


Year 12

SHINE Masterclasses
Students will plan and deliver STEM-themed sessions to Year 5 students from the Brindishe schools, developing leadership and collaboration skills. 


Year 13

Financial Capability
To instil the knowledge and confidence in our students to make good financial choices, inspire sound investment decisions and achieve financial independence.

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