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Open Day, harvest festival and Eco Week
This fortnight has been busy with Open Day preparations in school, culminating with the day itself on Saturday. I felt incredibly proud of the girls and the school on the day; not only did they look beautifully smart but they were brilliant ambassadors for their school and proud to talk to guests about all we do here. We received no end of positive feedback from our record number of visitors; all very positive!
In Juniors, the girls participated in a lovely Harvest Assembly, where they heard how all the generous donations from home will be helping families in Deptford through the Salvation Army. Year 6 prefects did a lovely job of leading us through the events, and we enjoyed some wonderful harp music from Tiana as well as beautiful singing from the girls as a whole.
Girls at both Seniors and Juniors enjoyed hearing from alumna Hannah on ‘Day of the Girl’. She talked about her forthcoming expedition to Antarctica and launched an exciting image competition for the girls to enter with some really worthwhile prizes. In Years 11-13, girls will even have the opportunity to visit Hannah in her Cambridge research laboratory.
At Seniors, Mrs Birkett also urged the girls to take part in Citizen Science as part of Eco Week. In school, Eco club will be participating in the ‘What’s under your feet’ project, but this can also be continued at home over half term for keen scientists.
I wish you and the girls all the best for the half term break and look forward to seeing you all again in November.