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The New Playground at Junior School
The School Council has previously discussed improving our playground to make it a more interesting place to play, to socialise and try new activities. During this half term we saw changes to the playground and watched the installation of new equipment with excitement. The work has now been finished, and we are delighted to inform you all of the improvements.
First, gym equipment has been installed beside the climbing-frame, which has also been updated, together with a new climbing wall. Additionally, there is now a shelter that provides shade on the green area, with seating that include planters. The Year 1 area also has new play trays and seating.
Feedback from pupils has only been positive; these are a few examples:
"The gym equipment is amazing, and it really shows that we need to stay healthy."
"More of us can play on the climbing frame at one time and there is more challenge."
"There are more options for activities in the playground."
"Having the shelter on the green area makes it a better space to use."
"We are looking forward to planting in the planters in the spring."
Written by Isabelle and Kacey, Year 6 school-council representatives