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Who Am I? Who Are You?: Year 9s Trip to The Science Museum
Read below Tilly and Isabella's recount of their exciting trip to the Science Museum:
"On the 3rd of December, Year 9 had an opportunity to visit the science museum for a school trip. This was our first time going to a museum for a trip and the science museum was very interactive and engaging, and educational!
The two exhibitions that caught our attention were ‘the atmosphere’ and ‘who am I?’. Both of these were interactive exhibitions that had experiments that involved us. The atmosphere exhibition was mainly focused on global warming and not just the fact that greenhouse gasses are a negative thing, but they are necessary to keep the earth at the right temperature; it is all about balance and moderation.The ‘who am I’ exhibition relied on everyone getting involved to collect real life data about their characteristics, genetics, personality and qualities. As well as this, there were several games that explored different parts of the body and brain function - all about what makes you, you! There were also models that went alongside the games.
We all learnt something new, as well as it being very enjoyable and the fact that we were able to go to whichever exhibitions looked intriguing to us individually, made it more compelling.
Later on in the day we went trampolining at the O2. This was really fun and the whole year had a great time bouncing, for longer than the usual slot, which was a lot of fun and not the typical school trip! This meant that there was a mix of education and fun."
-Tilly and Isabella, Year 9