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60 seconds with Mrs J Donnelly, Year 2 Class Teacher
From 10 years working as a Nurse to teaching in our Primary School, Mrs J Donnelly tells us all.
Tell us about yourself
My role is that of Class Teacher, now working two days a week doing a job share. I am responsible (together with my job share colleague) for Humanities in the Junior School. My job involves planning and delivering learning experiences for the girls.
How long have you worked here? Tell us about your career path.
I have now worked at Blackheath High School for twelve years.
Originally, I trained and worked as a nurse for approximately ten years achieving the level of Ward Sister. I left nursing to raise my family. When the time was right, I studied for my teaching degree and qualified in 2000. My first teaching job was at a school in Abbey Wood where I taught in Year 5 and Year 1. I then took part in a Numeracy Recovery Project in a Hackney school. This was very exciting for me and taught me a great deal about how children learn Mathematics. From there I came to Blackheath High School.
How does your previous experience benefit the school?
The experience I gained whilst working on the Numeracy Recovery Project changed how I approached the planning and teaching of Maths. I am a great advocate of the use of a wide range of manipulative resources when teaching all aspects of the subject, knowing that it helps the girls to make sense of difficult concepts.
What do you like most about your job?
The best thing about my job is working with the girls who never cease to amaze me with their unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
What makes working here at Blackheath High School so rewarding and enjoyable?
Apart from the friendly and supportive colleagues and the beautiful building, the girls bring sunshine to the darkest of days!
What has been your biggest achievement at Blackheath High School?
My biggest achievement has been to design and initiate the Creative Curriculum in Key Stage 1. It’s lovely to be able to use an exciting topic that links many of the curriculum subjects making them more meaningful and exciting.
What has been your biggest challenge at Blackheath High School?
My greatest challenge has been to match the tireless energy and enthusiasm of the girls!
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
In my spare time I enjoy going for long walks. I also enjoy knitting and sewing when I get the opportunity and, of course, I love a good book.
Tell us something surprising about yourself
I enjoy following the Ospreys as they return from their winter migration to their nesting site in Wales.