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Spotlight: Our Year 12 Academic Scholar Amelie
My name is Amelie, and I am currently in Year 12 at Blackheath High Sixth Form! I am studying History, Religion & Philosophy, and Politics, and I am also completing an Extended Project Qualification. I am thoroughly enjoying Sixth Form life, it gives me a great introduction to studying more independently though study periods throughout my day, whilst also having constant guidance from supportive teachers through small, seminar style lessons. I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to study in the Sixth Form as an academic scholar and am grateful for the experiences it has - and will hopefully continue – to offer me.
For my A-levels, I am thrilled to be given the chance to study in such great depth three subjects that have always fascinated me. The great teachers and interesting lessons allow me to research and explore my interests, developing my love for the humanities. And although academic studies are a key element of school, we are also encouraged and supported to pursue wider areas of interests through our great extra-curricular program. In the Sixth Form, students are given the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills by creating and running their own Societies.
At the beginning of the term, I set up the Model United Nations Society (“MUN”), which I now co-lead with three other students and a teacher supervisor. Doing this has allowed me to deepen my interest in international relations, whilst also allowing me to overcome challenges and develop my leadership and organisational skills. What’s more, as a society we are looking forward to taking some students to our sister school, Bromley High, for our first GDST MUN Conference!
When deciding on my A-level subjects, the choice that was most difficult for me was whether to study French or Politics. I decided to go with Politics, which I am really enjoying but I was very sad that I was no longer learning a language. Fortunately, this term, I have found a way of continuing to immerse myself with French - along with three other Year 12 students and the support of the MFL department, I have started a French Support Club for Years 7-9. This allows me to continue to surround myself with the language, help the lower school and hopefully pass down my love for languages.
Sixth Form life is great fun, particularly being able to focus on subjects that I am passionate about. The independence is fantastic, and the opportunity provided for extra-curricular and academic pursuits is great.