February 10
Head's blog - February 2025
Reflecting back over the term makes me thankful for being able to get fully back into the swing of things, despite the snow’s best efforts! It has been so lovely to have our community back together for concerts, pop ins, assemblies, and many other gatherings and to be able to speak face-to-face once more; long may it continue!
There has also been much illness and I hope that the worst of it has passed, and all are able to rest and have some respite. Whether or not you are celebrating the religious holiday, the Christmas break is a time for relaxing and spending it with loved ones and I hope that you are able to find time to do so, even if you have to work. For those of you who haven’t already seen my Christmas message, you can watch it below.
Finally, I look forward to seeing the girls return in the new year and wish Year 13 the best of luck as they prepare for their mock exams.
Have a wonderful Christmas.
With festive wishes,
Mrs Argile