Welcoming back our alumnae


A rainy March day was brightened immeasurably by more than 40 former Blackheath High students, who joined us for a day of memories and reminiscence. The Old Girls (old in name, but certainly not in nature!) were first treated to a tour of their old school in Wemyss Road by current Year 6 pupils, some enjoying seeing it for the first time in more than 40 years. They saw how the building has changed but not the warm, welcoming, exciting environment of Blackheath High School. Junior Chamber Choir performed two songs beautifully, bringing many to tears with their wonderful, joyous singing. 

We then took the minibuses to the Senior School for a delicious buffet lunch and a fantastic afternoon of nostalgia. It was wonderful to see so many old friends catching up, sharing memories and telling us amazing stories of their childhoods at Blackheath High School. We discovered that in 1973, the lacrosse team was invited to appear on Blue Peter; we saw a school prospectus from 1963, when fees were a whopping £18 a term; and we heard a rumour that in the early 1910s, the Junior School accepted boys and none other than Laurence Olivier attended the school! 

We also brought out some photos from the school archive, and our Old Girls delighted in finding themselves and their classmates (and laughing at the incredible hairstyles and clothes of the 1960s and 1970s).

Everyone left on a high and we can’t wait for the next opportunity to invite these inspiring alumnae back in.