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October 8th 2020

Year 3 feeling more sporty in their Sports Blog

Now we are in Year 3 our PE is very different from KS1. We have more PE lessons and they are with the PE teachers Mrs Dunne and Miss Morrell. As well as using the Gym for gymnastics with Mrs Dunne, we also get to go to the field. We walk there, which we enjoy and there is so much space.

This half term each class has taken it in turns to learn new skills in cricket and athletics. In athletics we have been learning techniques to use in sprinting, including sprint starts, relay racing using colourful batons, cross country and also throwing skills for javelin. In cricket we have practiced throwing and catching and we are learning how to use the cricket bats. We enjoy the mini competitions where we practice these new skills.

Another change is our new PE kits which we like. They make us feel more sporty.

As well as our PE lessons we also have a ball skills club after school on a Wednesday run by Mrs Dunne.

It is good to try new sports and learn so many new skills. We are looking forward to learning more and challenging ourselves to improve and practicing together.


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